luminous vaginal speculum - translation to ρωσικά
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luminous vaginal speculum - translation to ρωσικά

Vaginal speculum; Surgical speculum; Anal speculum; Vaginal dilators; In spec; Eyelid speculum
  • 14th, 15th and 16th century specula
  • Ear specula are funnel-shaped.
  • Eyelid speculum (right) in use during cataract surgery
  • Dilating vaginal speculum inflating vagina and light illuminating (cervical brush inserts through top inlet)
  • Two cylindrical-shaped glass specula
  • The single-billed Sims speculum is still in use today.
  • Duckbill shape of a two-billed speculum
  • Medical instrument
  • The disposable bivalved plastic vaginal speculum is used in office gynecology
  • Position of the opened speculum during vaginal examination

luminous vaginal speculum      


влагалищное светящееся зеркало

vaginal speculum         


влагалищное зеркало

luminous flux         
Luminous Flux; Luminous power

общая лексика

световой поток

строительное дело

поверхностная плотность светового потока


¦ noun (plural specula -l?)
1. Medicine a metal instrument that is used to dilate an orifice or canal in the body to allow inspection.
2. Ornithology a bright patch of plumage on the wings of certain birds, especially ducks.
3. a mirror or reflector, especially (formerly) a metallic mirror in a reflecting telescope.
short for speculum metal.
ME: from L., lit. 'mirror', from specere 'to look'.


Speculum (medical)

A speculum (Latin for 'mirror'; plural specula or speculums) is a medical tool for investigating body orifices, with a form dependent on the orifice for which it is designed. In old texts, the speculum may also be referred to as a diopter or dioptra. Like an endoscope, a speculum allows a view inside the body; endoscopes, however, tend to have optics while a speculum is intended for direct vision.

Μετάφραση του &#39luminous vaginal speculum&#39 σε Ρωσικά